.. index:: single: Core Toolchain Infrastructure project governance CTI Governance ============== The Core Toolchain Infrastructure project follows a governance model that contains a governing board (GB), and a technical advisory council (TAC). By default all governing board and technical advisory council meetings are open the public to attend unless there is an issue that requires confidentiality e.g. security. The role of the TAC is to work with the GNU Toolchain community to prioritze and refine requirments so they can be implemented to support the community. The TAC has a seat on the GB, and must vote one of their members to attend GB meetings. The GB is fiscally accountable for the spending of funds and acts as oversight to approve prioritized projects that are presented by the TAC. Sponsors to the Core Toolchain Infrastructure project are entitled to one GB set and one TAC seat. The intial TAC bootstrap included 3 community members and was expanded to 10 members. Membership in the TAC requires GB approval. ----------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`