.. index:: single: FAQ FAQ === You have questions we have answers! * Q: How does this project relate to the GNU Project or the Free Software Foundation (FSF)? * A: Many of the GNU Toolchain components are a part of the GNU Project, and contribute to the development of the GNU system. The FSF supports the GNU Project, and in turn supports the GNU Toolchain. The GNU Toolchain community works with the FSF via a working together fund (https://www.fsf.org/working-together/fund) to support the development of the GNU Toolchain directly. The Core Toolchain Infrastructure project is distinct from the GNU Project and the FSF. * Q: How does this project relate to the GCC Compile Farm Project (https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/CompileFarm)? * A: The GCC Compiler Farm is a unique resource for the GNU Toolchain and provides interactive systems for developers to manually test on a wide variety of hardware and software configurations. This is not exactly the same set of requirements that the community might have for securing a supply chain, or using modern CI/CD workflows. * Q: How will the composition of the Core Toolchain infrastructure project reflect the communities it supports? * A: Members of the GNU Toolchain community will always be invited to become members of the technical advisory cuncil for the project. * Q: What is the composition of the project steering committee? * A: The project steering committee will be composed of sponsoring members of the Linux Foundation and members of the GNU Toolchain community. * Q: What does the project TAC do? * A: The TAC takes input from the GNU Toolchain community and works with the members to, implement, and resolve prioritized requirements. * Q: Is the GNU Toolchain development model going to change? * A: No. The aim of the project is to provide additional infrastructure for the community that is being made available to support the GNU Toolchain. All development changes will always be driven by the community. * Q: Is Sourceware (https://sourceware.org/) going to be deprecated? * A: The GNU Toolchain Infrastructure project is distinct from Sourceware. The intent is to move critical infrastructure from Sourceware to the Core Toolchain Infrastructure project to provide paid services. * Q: Who can use the new infrastructure? * A: That depends on the requirements given by the GNU Toolchain community. The requirements from the community are input to the steering committee, and so the answer depends largely on exactly what was the intended purpose. * Q: What can the new infrastructure be used for? * A: That depends on the requirements given by the GNU Toolchain community. The requirements from the community are input to the steering committee, and so the answer depends largely on exactly what was the intended purpose. ----------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`